
Showing posts from September, 2023

Tapping Into Your Resilient Self

It is imperative to use strengths-based ways to cope with life stressors. Key Points Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, or various types of stressors. Resilience is important for optimal physical and mental health functioning. Meditation, stress management, and accepting mistakes can help you cultivate resilience. Resilience is important for optimal physical and mental health functioning across a variety of populations and settings, and across the human life span (Tsai and Freedland, 2022; Koliou, 2020). The American Psychological Association defines individual resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors. As much as resilience involves “bouncing back” from these difficult experiences, it can also involve profound personal growth (APA, 2020). Psychologi...

Beetroot for bone strength

A diet with relatively many sources of natural nitrate, such as beetroot, arugula, lettuce and spinach, increases the concentration of nitric oxide [NOx] in the blood. Athletes are now fully aware that such a diet can improve physical performance. A nitrate-rich diet may also keep bones strong as the years go by, suggests Japanese research. In February 2023, Japanese researchers published an epidemiological study involving 871 women. The researchers used data collected since 1993 in the Nagano Cohort Study. The average study participant was about 67 years old when the project started and could be followed for almost 9 years. When the study began, the researchers took samples of the women's urine and blood. In the course of the study, 267 women broke a bone. Results The more NOx was present in the women's blood, the lower their risk of a bone fracture. Mechanism The more NOx was present in the women's blood, the less type I collagen cross-linked N-telopeptides [NTx] was in t...

Q10 supplementation makes explosive movements a little faster

You can boost your speed by taking 100 mg of the co-enzyme  Q10  every day. To be more precise: your ability to perform fast and explosive movements in quick succession will increase slightly, according to a human study done by Turkish sports scientists at Selcuk University and  published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. You can boost your speed by taking 100 mg of the co-enzyme  Q10  every day. To be more precise: your ability to perform fast and explosive movements in quick succession will increase slightly, according to a human study done by Turkish sports scientists at Selcuk University and  published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. The results of these studies are mixed. Many show no effect, some show a little effect.  A 2008 study  showed that if you get people to cycle to the point of exhaustion Q10 supplementation will improve their endurance capacity a little. Endurance athletes who have been tra...