Yoga makes diabetics healthier
Not just sport, but yoga too can make you healthier. In a controlled trial researchers at Manipal University in India showed that yoga reduced the negative health effects of a chronically high glucose level. Study The researchers did an experiment with 120 men and women aged between 40 and 75, all of whom had diabetes-2. Half of them did yoga three times a week for three months, and did poses such as tadasana, padahastasana, vrikshasana, trikonasana, parsvotanasana, vajrasana, vakrasana, gomukasana, paschimotasana, uttanapadasana, pwanamuktasana, bhujangasana, shalabasana, dhanurasana, viparitakarani and shavasana, and breathing techniques such as sitkari, bhramari and anuloma viloma pranayama. Results At the end of the three months the fasting-plasma glucose level [FPG] of the group that had done yoga had gone down a little, as had the post-prandial glucose level. That meant that the cells of the subjects who had practised yoga had started to listen a little better to the insulin in t...