
Showing posts with the label #health

Antibody therapy makes the immune systems of old mice young again

A novel antibody therapy makes the immune system of old mice appear younger, allowing the animals to better fend off infections and reduce inflammation. Antibodies are proteins that can target and attack certain cells. An experimental therapy has been found to rejuvenate the immune systems of older mice, enhancing their capacity to combat infections. Should this treatment prove effective in humans, it could potentially reverse the age-related deterioration in immunity that renders older individuals more vulnerable to diseases. This decline in immunity might stem from alterations in our blood stem cells, which have the potential to evolve into any blood cell type, including vital elements of the immune system. With age, an increasing number of these stem cells are inclined to generate certain immune cells rather than others, according to Jason Ross from Stanford University in California. Such an imbalance compromises the immune system's infection-fighting abilities and contributes t...

Breathwork Protocols for Health, Focus & Stress

“ How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance ,” In this post we discuss how deliberate respiration (breathing) represents a unique and powerful bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind — and how specific breathing protocols allow us to shift the state of our brain and body in powerful ways. We explain how to  use specific breathing patterns  to influence your brain-body state and thereby  positively shift your mood, physical capacity, and focus — and improve sleep . Indeed, even brief, deliberate breathing protocols, if done correctly, can positively impact all these around the clock — not just during the breathwork practice. Why We Breathe Breathing allows the body to draw in oxygen (O 2 ) and discard carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), or more accurately to  balance  ratios of O 2 :CO 2  in our brain and body. When we inhale, oxygen fills and passes from millions of tiny sacs (“alveoli”) in our lungs, into our bloodstream....

Study reveals how exercise turns back the clock in aging muscles

  Doctors call physical exercise a “polypill,” because it can prevent and treat many of the chronic diseases that are associated with aging. A new study of muscle fibers from mice and humans shows how exercise affects gene expression. The exercise-induced changes “reprogram” the epigenetic expression of the fibers to a more youthful state. The findings could provide leads for the development of drugs to mimic these benefits in people who are unable to exercise. Research shows that people who exercise regularly not only strengthen their muscles but also improve their overall health, regardless of how late in life they start. For example, recent studies have found that exercise reduces the risk of  cardiovascular disease , as well as  Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s  in older people. Conversely, reductions in muscle mass and strength are associated with lower quality of life and  higher mortality from all causes . As a result of its proven ability to prevent and treat...

Elixir of Youth: New Discoveries in Aging and Health

Summary:  Researchers uncover a link between acylspermidines, a family of metabolites, and sirtuins, enzymes critical in aging and disease. Recent studies indicate sirtuins’ role in age-related diseases, making them promising therapeutic targets for longevity and health span. The discovery of sirtuin-linked acylspermidines in C. elegans and mammals opens new avenues for understanding and potentially manipulating these pathways. This breakthrough in biochemistry brings us closer to uncovering the roles of acylspermidines in lifespan and cell proliferation. Key Facts: Acylspermidines, newly discovered metabolites, reveal an unexpected connection between sirtuins and cellular metabolism. Sirtuins are enzymes implicated in age-related diseases and are potential targets for extending health span and longevity. This study highlights the importance of uncovering hidden biochemical pathways in understanding aging and disease processes. Source:  Boyce Thompson Institute In a significan...

Biotech company says it's implanted dopamine-making cells in patients brains.

A California-based biotech company says it's successfully implanted lab-made neurons in Parkinson's patients' brains to stimulate a dopamine response — and if it works as intended, it could be a substantial advance in fighting the disease. As  MIT Technology Review  reports , the early stem cell experiment, which was meant to test whether the procedure is safe, appears to have succeeded at that goal. The trial included 12 people with Parkinson's, a debilitating progressive disease characterized by a shortage of dopamine, and was run by BlueRock Therapeutics, a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical giant Bayer. The lab-made neurons were implanted for a year before results were taken, and as researchers told attendees of the International Congress for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder in Copenhagen at the end of August, the implanted cells seem to have survived — and, in a particularly exciting twist, there are indications that they may be reducing the patients' sy...

Addressing Diabetes Reversal in Alabama

  Sometimes, a well-timed email can make a real difference. For Michael Collins, age 53, that life-changing message arrived from his employer’s wellness initiative in October 2020. It was the Monday after his doctor had told him that he was “in trouble” and needed to get his weight and diabetes under control.  Michael, a resident of Boaz, Alabama, and a mental health advocate for his state government, explained the extent of his health crisis: “The doctor told me that he couldn’t promise me [I would live] two weeks or six months. I mean, I was having heart palpitations… my heart was messing up. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t sleep. I was in bad shape.” The fateful email included an invitation to apply to a diabetes reversal program offered by a company called Virta Health. Michael filled out the forms and enrolled, initiating a remarkable health journey. He was one of more than 1,100 government employees who signed up (a mix from both state and local governmen...